The Snakes and Ladders to your health and wellbeing

Snakes and ladders are the ups and downs, the progress and setbacks, that you may experience on your health and wellbeing journey.
Snakes can be obstacles, challenges, or unhealthy behaviours that derail progress or have a negative impact.
Ladders are the positive actions, habits, or choices that aid your goals.

Small or Frequent:
🐍 Your Phone
🐍 Distractions
🐍 Energy Levels
🐍 Family Relationships
🪜 Daily Timeblocks
🪜 Phone Free Time
🪜 Meal Frequency
🪜 Laptop Curfew

Medium or Infrequent:
🐍 School/Public Holidays
🐍 Personal Tax/ VAT Bill
🐍 Seasonal Mindset
🪜 Quarterly Planning
🪜 Board Meetings
🪜 Retreat/ Personal Time
🪜 Therapy

Large or Rare:
🐍 Health Issues
🐍 Company Errors
🐍 Unforeseen Events
🪜 Health MOT
🪜 Launches
🪜 Big Races & Events

By identifying the Snakes and Ladders of our own health and wellbeing, we can make steps to become more mindful of the choices we make and the factors affecting our overall wellness.

Want help identifying your snakes? Take our quiz here.

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