3 Best Exercises Over 50 and Beyond

Our clientele average between 50 and 70 and many of them restarted exercising recently. As we’re getting older strength becomes truly important as well as qualities like balance and core stability.

Training older population should be about improving movement quality, building core strength, improve posture, building lean muscle mass and work on cardiovascular fitness.


A brilliant core exercise that is safe and helps to create stability in the core through connecting the lower body to the upper body. It’s a true game changer all the different ways that we program this exercise and keep adding different layers to it. If you want to improve inside and outside the gym, DO some deadbugs!


Many people after 50 have difficulty with their balance and as much as I like loaded carry exercises, Marches are such a great starting point to work on balance and using our Sandbags we can safely load people with more weight which is actually very helpful when it comes to working on balance and core strength together. The heavier load provides feedback and the client needs to work better with their whole body from toes to nose. Plus the loading positions are endless, so people never outgrow this exercise, just do them at their own levels.


Power is the first thing we lose when we age and what is power by the way?

Power = Strength x Speed

It’s not an easy exercise, it requires a good hip hinge however we teach hinging through the hips to our clients from day one. Funnily, learning to hip hinge builds core strength and resilience in the lower back, so it’s safe for everyone. Doing power cleans build athleticism, power, mobility, cardiovascular fitness and movement accuracy. All of these are great qualities that help to express strength faster which again is power and people lose that with age. It’s a use it or lose it scenario.

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