3 Step Formula to Get Lean, Stay Strong and Feel

Last week we shared a video on how to get lean, stay strong and feel fantastic – have you seen it yet?

The first step of our three step formula is to Optimise Sleep. The best way to do this is to:

  • Sleep for at least 8 hours every single night
  • Wake up at the same time
  • Go to bed at the same time

By having a good sleep routine, you can optimise you circadian rhythm which promotes quality sleep and overall health. Whatever you do during the day is going to affect your night time routine, but equally everything that you want comes with good sleep. Whether it’s losing weight, having that good cognitive function,  athletic performance, muscle mass, even longevity and reducing any sort of illnesses – it all comes down to sleep. It’s something that we simply can’t avoid.

Some tips for good sleep include:

  • Eat your last meal at least 3 hours before bedtime
  • Keep your caffeine intake to the first part of the of the day, but also
  • Don’t start your day with caffeine straight away

By delaying your caffeine intake for at least an hour after waking, your body is allowed to naturally wake up. Introducing that caffeine later down the line enables your body to utilise it effectively at the right time.

Click here to watch the video, and keep your eyes peeled for Step Two!

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