I need to get in shape – I have a BIG event coming up!

Setting a goal to get in shape by a certain date for a significant event is a great motivation to prioritise your health and fitness. To achieve your goal, it’s essential to take a well rounded approach that encompasses regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate rest, and stress management.

Here are some steps you can take to get started:

  • Set specific goals – clear and achievable, broken down into smaller milestones to help track progress
  • Create a consistent exercise routine – a variety of exercises, with 75-150 minutes of activity per week alongside muscle-strengthening activities
  • Focus on nutrition – aim for balance and be mindful of portion size and intake of processed foods & sugary snacks
  • Prioritise recovery & rest, make sleep a priority & manage stress – this helps support muscle recovery and overall well being

Remember that progress takes time, and it’s normal to encounter setbacks along the way. Stay consistent with your efforts, be patient with yourself, and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Focus on the positive changes you’re making to improve your health and well-being, and trust in your ability to reach your goals.

Here at Training Unity we can help you create a customised plan to stay motivated and accountable – book your free consultation now to get started.

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