I’m too old!

I’m just too old…
I’m just too old for the gym…
You may think you’re too old, but the truth is, no one is really too old for getting stronger.

A perfect example:
A lady who’s 73 years old, plays golf a couple of times per week, and does the training with us for twice a week. She’s been coming for 6 months only. She’s only actually started at 72 years of age.

She came in a few weeks ago and she was so happy that the first time ever she could put her rain cover trousers on without leaning against the car.

Now, this might seem like nothing, however she wasn’t able to do this for years. In fact, she said “it feels like I just turned back the time”.

Success looks different to different people, and I really liked her attitude, specifically the way she celebrated this small win.
My biggest takeaway was that celebrating every small wins is so important to achieve bigger goals. Doesn’t matter if they’re not fitness related. Just celebrate every small steps along the way.

This is the key for true transformation, inside and out.
If you’re ready to take your health and fitness to the level that you know you can be, I invite you to fill out our QUIZ HERE, to score your fitness and book a FREE 30mins consultation.

Our Busy Professional Quiz is a simple tool to look at all aspects of health and fitness, and it only takes 2mins to answer all the questions.

It’s never too late to get started!!!
Let me help you to take charge of your health and fitness. One step at the time.

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