Stretch + Rest = Growth

Training is what stretches you.

How we manage rest is where most people can make improvements, which will help their growth.

There are 3 levels of recovery:

  • Micro – small chunks of time during the day, usually during working hours
  • Mid-level – daily rest, usually during the night
  • Macro – larger chunks of time over a period

5-10 minute breaks within 50 – 90 minute blocks of deep work
Light stretches
Looking far into the distance (especially for those who sit in front of the computer)

During the evening:
• Turn off all electronic devices
• Get enough sleep!
If you sleep less than 8 hours a night, you’re simply not getting enough sleep. By day 10 of sleeping less than 8 hours, your productivity level resembles someone who hasn’t slept for 24 hours. 5 or 6 hours sleep a night is not as good as 8 hours!

Regular annual breaks, holidays and getaways are a great way to recharge.

If you don’t pick a day to relax, your body will pick it for you.

Are you ready to improve your rest? Book a free 30 minute consultation today.

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