Re-envision your Future

Have you ever experienced:

… Trying to lose weight but not making any progress.
(Or worse, losing a few pounds only to gain them back because you had one “bad” weekend.)

… Dreading when someone tags you in a Facebook photo because you hate the way you look right now in pictures.

… Struggling to have enough energy to get through the day and then feeling guilty when you
snack in the middle of the afternoon.

Something tells me you wouldn’t miss any of those things.
Which is good…

Having helped hundreds of women and men lose weight and keep it off, I’ve got a pretty good idea of what the future could hold for you…

Next 10 minutes:
The part of you that’s been browsing this site, reading the blogs, skipping or skimming them,
and thinking about your weight loss goals will finally break through the fear that’s been holding you back. And now…
The driven, empowered part of you is in control. You confidently join hundreds of your peers who are achieving their weight loss goals right now with help from Training Unity.

You wake up feeling amazing.
You’re free of any buyer’s remorse that you wasted your hard earned money on yet another weight loss scheme.
You’re free of worry — and motivated beyond belief — because you know this isn’t a “too good to be true” gimmick…
… but rather, a tested and proven way to reach and maintain a healthy weight. And because you now have the one thing you’ve been missing to reach your weight loss goals…
… You feel unstoppable as you brew yourself a cup of tea.

One week from now:
You joined one of our groups. Congrats!
You step through the door of our friendly studio and made some friends with other members,
who are people just like yourself. The session was a lot easier than you expected. You completed all the tasks and it made you feel proud. This is it!
You’ve made a big step towards becoming a healthier, happier person. And you can’t wait to see what awaits you in the future.

Next 4 weeks:
You’ve been doing the program as directed. For the first few days, you didn’t notice much of a change. But then you started waking up with more energy… and you’re no longer crashing by mid-afternoon.
You haven’t made any big diet changes yet, but the bathroom scale has good news:
You’ve lost 7 pounds!
And you’ve noticed that your jeans are baggier, your shirts and blouses are starting to feel too big, and even your spouse is starting to notice the way you’re changing.
And best of all: you’re just getting started.

Next 8 weeks:
It’s no longer just your spouse who’s noticed the weight you’ve lost. Now it’s your friends and family, co-workers, neighbours, the hairdresser who cuts your hair. It seems like EVERYONE is starting to pay attention to the slimmer, sexier you…
… and you’ve got to admit: it feels GOOD!
But the best part is: You’re proud of how you got here.

12 weeks and beyond:
You’re out shopping for new outfits because your old clothes are too big and baggy. In fact, you wonder how you ever fit into your old clothes at all.
They’re way too big for you!
Now you’re back at home. And in a moment of excitement and gratitude you email us to share your story… and to encourage others to make the leap you made just 12 weeks ago.
The leap that changed everything for you. The leap you never thought you’d make…
But in a moment of complete courage and commitment…

You decided…
There really was no other way.

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