Avoid these sleep mistakes that make you age faster

Number one is irregularity.
Not being consistent with your with the timing of the sleep – waking up at the same time, going to bed at the same time. If you don’t have this consistency, that’s the number one thing to work on. All Sleep Experts talk about this first.

Number two is not getting enough natural sunlight.
Not enough natural sunlight, especially first thing in the morning can impact your sleep. We all have this master clock called our circadian rhythm. This is a cycle that helps us feel awake in the morning, and be tired in the in the evening. Once we have this dialed in, then we will have good quality sleep, wake up feeling refreshed and energised – all that good stuff.

Number three is looking at devices.
Phones, laptops, TVs – getting that blue light exposure messes with the body’s ability to release melatonin. Melatonin is the sleep hormone which is responsible for winding down and and having that quality sleep during the night. By reducing your ‘screen time’, you reduce your blue light exposure, and increase that good sleep hormone.

Number four is dehydration.
This doesn’t just come from not drinking enough water. Dehydration also occurs when you are only drinking poor quality drinks such as sodas, soft drinks, juices – energy drinks probably are the worst. Also, having caffeine towards the end of the day or after lunch can impact your sleep, as can alcohol consumption.

Number five is environmental factors.
Things such as the temperature in the bedroom is going to affect the the quality of your sleep. If it’s going to be too warm, or even if it’s too light. Any kind of additional lighting (TV screens, phones, any lighting) is going to hinder the quality of that sleep.

Our skin is made up of several proteins such as collagen and elastin which help to keep the skin firm. Many researchers says that insufficient sleep could really affect the strength and the quality of both of these proteins. This eventually leads to wrinkles, skin laxity and sagging.

Solutions are:

  • regular sleep schedules
  • natural sunlight exposure (especially first thing in the morning)
  • stop looking at screens after certain time
  • stay hydrated
  • avoid caffeine
  • limit or completely remove alcohol
  • cold dark bedroom
  • good mattress
  • good sheets
  • and even maybe an eye mask

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