How to Stop Procrastinating and Start Today

When I don’t have this obstacle in front of me, I will start. That obstacle might be:

  • Injury
  • Family commitments
  • Work deadlines

Fill in the gap. Here are two reasons I don’t like this sort of language..

Number one:
Pushing things into the future, which may never arrive psychologically, erodes self trust. You begin to believe that you never really do what you say you would do. I’m going to repeat that again – when you push things into the future it kills self trust, because the thought becomes “I never really do what I say I would do”.

Even if you’re not ready to take a bigger step towards that goal, you could still take a tiny step to get closer to the goal. A few examples would be:

  • I can’t get to the gym / I could still go for a 30 minutes walk
  • I feel knackered all the time / I could still put the phone down and pick up a book instead in the evening
  • I’m doing everything right and still don’t see any changes in my physique / I could still eat more protein with every meal

There’s always something you can actually do that will get you closer to where you want to be, and doing helps build that self trust and confidence that now you are able to make the changes you desire and it’s much more self assuring.

Number two:
The only thing is certain in life is uncertainty.
There’s always going to be some form of obstacles that we need to face or overcome. Taking care of health and fitness should be priority because of these constant uncertainties in life, and not just when things are ideal or perfect. Conditions are never ideal – there is no such a thing as perfect conditions, especially for busy professionals who have family and other commitments.

If you are ready to take that leap for thriving Health and Fitness in 2024, take our busy professional quiz to score your Fitness have a free 30 minutes consultation. Take the quiz here.

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