The Final Step! Get Lean, Stay Strong and Feel Fantastic 

We’ve been sharing our Three Step Formula to Get Lean, Stay Strong and Feel Fantastic.

Step One – Optimise Sleep

Step Two – Nutrition

And now for Step Three – Movement and Exercise

Stay active as much as possible. Aiming for at least 10,000 steps per day is a really good goal for everyone, regardless of profession. Whether you work inside or outside, we believe this is a very achievable goal.

A great way to do this is to spend an hour outside. Ideally we would want to do this first thing in the morning to also gain the benefits of morning daylight and the affects this has on your brain. If you can only get outside during the day or in chunks, just actually spending more time outside really helps with all sorts of things – from brain function to recovery for cardiovascular fitness, and just to get more clarity throughout the day. Spend as much time outside as possible.

Do strength training two or three times per week. Ideally do this using appropriate resistance and free weights whenever it’s possible. Do some cardio activities too, whatever that is that you enjoy doing. Golf, tennis, hiking, swimming, martial arts – whatever your thing is, just do that!

Bonus points if you can do this with other human beings and this helps builds connection to keep you fit whilst also keeping you happy.

Click here to watch the full video.

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