The Training Unity Blog

Why Strength Training Should Be A Priority Over 50⁣ 💪⁣

Strength Training is much more important than cardio especially as we get older!⁣⁣
When it comes to strength training, many people might have a⁣⁣⁣ negative association to body building and having a lot of muscle.⁣⁣⁣

Why We Are Different

I’m doing everything right… I still don’t see any changes in my physique.
There are a few reasons why you might not be seeing the changes you desire:
• Lack of variety in workouts
• Inconsistent nutrition
• Insufficient recovery time
• Not tracking progress
• Stress • Sleep quality
• ..& other lifestyle factors


I’m doing everything right… I still don’t see any changes in my physique.
There are a few reasons why you might not be seeing the changes you desire:
• Lack of variety in workouts
• Inconsistent nutrition
• Insufficient recovery time
• Not tracking progress
• Stress • Sleep quality
• ..& other lifestyle factors

I’m doing everything right… I still don’t see any changes in my physique.

I’m doing everything right… I still don’t see any changes in my physique.
There are a few reasons why you might not be seeing the changes you desire:
• Lack of variety in workouts
• Inconsistent nutrition
• Insufficient recovery time
• Not tracking progress
• Stress • Sleep quality
• ..& other lifestyle factors

Who has all the time to do everything ‘right’?

Balancing various responsibilities and commitments can indeed be challenging, but with careful planning, prioritisation, and time management, it’s possible to incorporate healthy habits and self-care into a busy lifestyle. 
Here are some strategies to help manage multiple priorities effectively

I need to get in shape – I have a BIG event coming up!

Setting a goal to get in shape by a certain date for a significant event is a great motivation to prioritise your health and fitness. To achieve your goal, it’s essential to take a well rounded approach that encompasses regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate rest, and stress management.

Implement health and wellness intentions

Implementations empower you and enhance your ability to create the life you desire. By creating an algorithm that considers your triggers and actions, you can find ways to overcome the things that undermine your effectiveness and well-being – your Kryptonites.

Create momentum for your Health & Wellbeing

Momentum to improve your health & wellbeing comes from building positive habits that propel you forwards towards your goals. Each choice you make becomes a link in a chain, strengthening your commitment and reinforcing your progress. Each missed opportunity creates a break in the chain, making it harder to bounce back from.

Stretch + Rest = Growth

Training is what stretches you.

How we manage rest is where most people can make improvements, which will help their growth.

Stress Management

Momentum to improve your health & wellbeing comes from building positive habits that propel you forwards towards your goals. Each choice you make becomes a link in a chain, strengthening your commitment and reinforcing your progress. Each missed opportunity creates a break in the chain, making it harder to bounce back from.

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